Psalm To Lose Your Fear


If I asked, “Whom do you trust the most?” most people would think of some other human being they know. Few would automatically respond, “God. I trust Him the most.”
Psalm To Recognize A Friend
The problem we have is that when faced with situations we fear, most turn to other people for help.
(Pslam 34:4)
I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

You and I are living in the flesh in this earth age, and we have all the troubles and fears that go along with the flesh age. However, even though we are living in these flesh bodies, Father has given us the power over those things that would bother you. He has placed an angel of God over you, watching you to protect you from those things that would come against you. God will deliver you from all your fears when you place your trust in Him.


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