This is my first Blog for the Chicago Defender a very proud day for me.
So here’s a little about me.
I’m a photographer by profession, a writer of poetry and a published author of 12 books, and counting.
My photographic work has appeared in many of the top magazines and Advertisements around the world, and my art is hung on the walls of many homes from China to Africa to South America.
I’m a writer of many things, an observer of many things and a reporter of things often not spoken in public for fear of objections.
I relate my experiences and views in my poetry and in my photos.
I believe in being honest but at the same time I don’t dwell in the darkness of the worlds troubles because there is also light to be found even in the dark.
I will in this blog offer my vision of the things I see as a black man in Europe, be they political or simply lovely images of my world.
Truths often hidden behind doors that need to be brought to light or they will continue to be issues of trouble because of the fear of speaking out about them.
We often hide our shame or our pain from others, when a simple truth will offer better understanding to the lives we live and the lives we share with one another.
My goal in writing these blogs, is to share thoughts and vision of what I see, and in turn they will be posted in my whatIsee4u blog .
You the reader will see through my eyes, my reality of living in Germany as a black man, and the impact this culture has had on the lives of its black population and its minorities.