The family of North Carolina high school student Lennon Lacy, whose death this summer was ruled a suicide by a state medical examiner, is now saying they believe the 17-year-old was murdered.
Lennon Lacy’s body was found hanging from a wooden swing set in a mobile home park near his home in August. The state’s chief medical examiner, Dr. Deborah Radisch, conducted an autopsy and declared his death a suicide based on information she was given by law enforcement and a local medical examiner. However, Lacy’s family is now expressing concerns that the teenager did not take his own life.
“He may have either been strangled somewhere else or been placed there, or he was hung there while people were around watching him die,” Lennon’s older brother, Pierre Lacy, told CNN this week.
Lacy’s mother, Claudia, believes her son was the victim of foul play and that he “didn’t do this to himself.” She wants evidence of the events that led up to and caused his death. When asked by CNN if she believed his death was a lynching, she said yes.
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