Black man defends white officer shooting Walter Scott

jesse lee
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, well-known black conservative and founder of of BOND (Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny), was on the side of the white police officer who was caught on video emptying his semi-automatic gun into the back of Walter Scott as he ran away in North Charleston, S.C. last week.
Peterson was speaking on the Fox News show, moderated by Sean Hannity. And get this: Hannity was the one who said the officer was in the wrong and that “there was no justification” shooting Scott in his back once, much less five times. But Peterson was undeterred in his support of white police officers.
Peterson’s words were so incensing that a black civil-rights lawyer walked away from the black minister’s insistence that conclusions shouldn’t be drawn about South Carolina police officer Michael Slager’s killing of Walter Scott before the case has been fully investigated and the officer has received due process of law.
“For you to come on this show as a black man and … somehow justify this shooting. You are an embarrassment to the world right now. The whole world is looking at how stupid you are,” civil rights lawyer Leo Terrell told his fellow guest on the Fox News show “Hannity” on Thursday.
The argument heated up to the point that Terrell ripped off his earpiece and walked away from the camera.
“I’m done. I’m done,” he said.
See the video for yourself:
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