Per reports, Zimmerman’s newest art piece has secured 108 bids so far with the highest totaling more than $100,000. That’s just about as disgusting as the time Zimmerman sold his autograph to his “fans.”
In the eBay listing, Zimmerman writes:
First hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman. Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, [sic] way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors 🙂 I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman
Or hell, maybe some of these racists who worship you so much can pay you just to crawl in to a hole in which you rot away.
That’d be awesome.
Q: george, pleasee dont leave florida . you are our hero. please run for a political office! we need you. God bless you.
A: Thank you, your words of kindness and support will influence my decision on where to plant my roots. Your friend, GZ
You know, Florida, there’s a reason why people consider you to be the back entrance to hell. Speaking of hell and where people can go, one of Zimmerman’s attorneys is facing a Florida bar complaint.
The Orlando Sentinel reports:
Orlando attorney Mark O’Mara, who took on George Zimmerman as a client in one of the nation’s most high-profile murder trials and won his acquittal, is now the subject of an ethics complaint for how he handled the case.
Few details are available, including who filed the complaint and what allegations O’Mara is facing, but the Florida Bar on Monday confirmed that its staff is investigating a complaint and has made no determination as to whether O’Mara should face possible discipline.
What a shame that if anyone gets punished in this horrific matter, it won’t be George Zimmerman.
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