Since its debut in January, HBO’s “True Detective” has captured a great deal of attention, all of it richly deserved.
In the past month, the Internet has come alive with everything from Tumblr parodies to conspiracy theories and thoughtful examinations of “True Detective’s” literary and philosophical underpinnings. And though the praise for stars Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey has been almost unanimous, an intense debate has erupted around the show’s depiction of nearly everyone who is not one of the two white detectives at its center.
The women — the ones who aren’t dead — are clearly not the focus of the show. They’re usually seen when they’re arguing or sleeping with the men. Even critics who admire the show’s strengths and aesthetic accomplishments recognize its limitations when it comes to its women, who represent a familiar array of cable-drama types: “crazy” mistresses, nameless strippers, randy hookups, disgruntled daughters, dismayed wives.
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