When You Need Some Advice Don’t Ask Twice… Ask Dr. Karen!
***To all my on-line readers, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your continued support and your comments are appreciated and valued. Have a prosperous, happy, healthy New Year and New You in 2017!
Dear Dr. Karen:
I have been divorced from my wife for several years after enduring verbal abuse towards my children and I. She is still vicious toward me and I can’t find any reasonable explanation for her anger.
She is extremely beautiful, and men flock to her, so I am puzzled why she never remarried. I continue to dream a miracle worker will appear, show her the light, and reunite us even though past counseling efforts proved ineffective. If necessary, I would beg, borrow and steal to get her back! I keep wishing and hoping.
Dear Dreamer:
Hope springs eternal. Why would you continue to dream about reuniting with a woman that is verbally abusive to you and the children? You are the prisoner of a bad dream. All the begging, borrowing and stealing will not change who she is.
Please slap yourself so you can wake up from this nightmare that you are creating for yourself. All you have to do to be free is let go.
***Dr. Karen R. January is an expert in youth development as well as male-female relationships. Her new book, ¨Lessons Mama Never Taught Me,¨ profiles 10 women and the mistakes they made in parenting, love and life. It can be purchased at Amazon.com. Please send your questions to Dr. Karen at askdrjanuary@gmail.com.
Visit her website: www.drkaykay.com
FB: drkayj Twitter: @drkjanuary
Disclaimer “The advice offered in this column is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other professional advice. Dr. Karen January, the newspaper and publisher are not responsible for the outcome or results of following any advice in any given situation. You, and only you, are completely responsible for your actions.” Due to the large number of letters received there is no guarantee that your question will be published.