Jameis Winston can’t win lmao — Mr. Perfect (@JakeGTM) September 17, 2014
Its getting to the point where Alabamians will no longer claim Jameis Winston. Dude has a problem. The state of Florida can have him
— Michael Thomas (@ChosenOne_MT10) September 17, 2014
Stunned FSU stepped up on Jameis Winston. If it was a different week than it’s been in football, probably would have gone undisciplined. — Jason Smith (@howaboutafresca) September 17, 2014
New cartoon: @Jaboowins and @FSU_Football @floridastate @FSView #sayfie pic.twitter.com/mnJYWHTrni
— Andy Marlette (@AndyMarlette) September 17, 2014
FSU QB Jameis Winston suspended a half for vulgar comments. Wonder if FSU also took away his recess privileges. — Matthew Peters (@DP_MattPeters) September 17, 2014
“You gotta find a way to overcome adversity” -Jameis Winston. You should probably look to overcome stupidity and immaturity first Jameis
— Patrick Widdoss (@pwidds22) September 17, 2014
Jameis Winston’s antics make Johnny Manziel look like Tim Tebow #Noles — Billy Dowling (@BDowling33) September 17, 2014
On the bright side, that was the most well-structured sentence to ever come out of Jameis Winston’s mouth
— Steve (@ScubbaSteve_95) September 17, 2014
it’s just sad now RT @CB_ColeBlooded: The gift that is Jameis Winston’s stupidity just keeps on giving.
— OVO Steve (@watchstevetweet) September 17, 2014
I’m not sure what shocks me more: Jameis Winston yelling out #FHRITP or the fact that it’s a proper grammatical sentence with a verb & noun.
— Cody Sanders (@codyAUsanders) September 17, 2014