Thousands flock to the King Center, childhood home on MLK Holiday (photos)

David Oyelowo, who portrayed Martin Luther King in the Academy Award-nominated film “Selma,” delivered a rousing speech during the church service portion of the King Holiday observance.

ATLANTA — A sea of humanity spilled onto historic Auburn Avenue to fully immerse themselves in the legendary civil rights experience and volunteer during the King Holiday observance in a plethora of ways:
A line snaked outside of Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home and around the corner in order to get a sense of how the late, legendary grew up and where he went to sleep at night;
Hundreds more walked around his final resting place and viewed the beautiful pool;
Still others walked around and through the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church where MLK Jr. and MLK Sr. once preached;
Across the street, thousands took the interactive and photographic tour of the civil rights movement from beginning to end at the King Center.
Hundreds more spent the balance of the morning volunteering on beautifying the King Center and the neighborhood surrounding it.
So, for those who were locked of the new Ebenezer Baptist Church, and the service, because of maximum capacity were not really locked out at all. As you will see from the ensuing photos, historians and MLK admirers were able to bathe themselves in the Martini Luther King experience.
Take a look:

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