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The Women Who Keep The Good


I love that March marks Women’s History Month, and that each year at about the same time, spring awakens me to what’s new. I am also reminded of the blessings of old and of what I’ve received thanks to the many women who’ve come before me.
There are many women, many blessings. Some are everyday women while others are historical figures, but all motivate me to keep pushing forward, to bravely work for change. For example, at one event, I was honored to receive an award from Farmers Insurance, and the presenter compared me to Harriet Tubman.
I could not have been more flattered and humbled. He went on to explain that, like Tubman, I didn’t just run off to the best therapies and treatments in town after I discovered my son had autism. Instead, I returned to a community in Los Angeles that was reminiscent of the place where I grew up and began to help other families get the care and services they needed for their autistic children.
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