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The Story Behind ‘To Walk in My Shoes’ Summer Kickoff, Which Returns May 26

Participants at a To Walk In My Shoes event

Participants at a To Walk In My Shoes event (Photo Provided).

Shrone Conaway, Co-Chief Executive Officer of “To Walk in My Shoes” and a West Garfield Park-Austin native on Chicago’s West Side, is working to help the community that helped her. 

When it comes to her mission, Conaway is even more emphatic: “I have to save the community that once saved me.

Her journey from grappling with personal trials to leading a transformative nonprofit is a testament to her unwavering commitment to uplifting people in her community. She is planning to, once again, fulfill this mission when her organization “To Walk in My Shoes” hosts a Summer Kickoff event on Sunday, May 26 the park on Madison and Central Park. 

“We wanted to build a nonprofit that gives back to our community, one that’s often overlooked,” Conaway explains. “That’s exactly what we did with ‘To Walk in My Shoes.'”

A Celebration of Community and Resilience

Excitement is building for the Memorial Day Summer Kick-Off event on May 26, a hallmark of the organization’s calendar. Described by Conaway as a family reunion and a massive backyard party, the event will feature music, vendors, and a dancefloor for “stepping.” More than just a celebration, it’s an opportunity for the community residents to connect with local agencies and access crucial services, particularly in mental health and violence prevention.

“This event is like the kickoff for the summer,” Conaway says with enthusiasm. “We don’t charge vendor fees because we want the community to come out and get the services they need.”

Conaway and her business partner founded “To Walk in My Shoes” to counter the judgment and hardships they faced. The organization offers a lifeline to those struggling with substance abuse, violence, and unemployment. It provides holistic health approaches, HIV and AIDS awareness, employment services, job skills training, and conflict resolution skills. Their goal is clear: to rebuild and rejuvenate the community with compassion and practical support.

From Trials to Triumph

Reflecting on the organization’s growth, Conaway’s deep connection to her mission shines through. Raised in the West Garfield-Austin area, she attributes her success and survival to the support of her community. “My community saved me,” she says, her voice filled with gratitude. “I wasn’t on drugs or in prison. I went to high school and college. Now, I have to save the community that once saved me.”

With her extensive career in finance and credentials, she could have done what others in her shoes would have. 

“I could have moved to another community, but I chose to stay. I want to be part of the solution,” she said. 

Paving the Way for Future Generations

The future looks bright for “To Walk in My Shoes” with the upcoming opening of the Mandela Community Center on June 10, with the support of State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford. The center will host a free summer camp offering activities like softball, jump rope, dance and field trips. Conaway’s vision is to provide children with experiences that expand their horizons beyond the chaos of their surroundings.

In addition, Conaway is launching “Girl, Get Up,” an initiative inspired by her grandmother’s motivating words. This program aims to empower women to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams, reflecting the same resilience Conaway demonstrates in her work.

A Legacy of Love and Dedication

When asked why she remains so devoted to her community, Conaway’s response is heartfelt and profound. “This community saved me,” she repeats, emotion evident in her voice. “Many didn’t make it, but I did. It is my duty to save the community that saved me. I simply love my community and can’t turn my back on it.”

For More Information

To Walk In My Shoes flyer

What: To Walk in My Shoes Summer Kickoff Event

Where: Madison and Central Avenue

When: Sunday, May 26 from Noon-7 p.m.

This event is free and open to the public. 

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