The Key to Your Weight Loss New Year’s Resolution

When we dissolve the need for any “if only’s”, we set ourselves free to take the only step that needs to be taken in any moment—that is the next step. Like that journey of one thousand miles beginning with only one step, the journey of any journey&m

When we dissolve the need for any "if only’s", we set ourselves free to take the only step that needs to be taken in any moment—that is the next step. Like that journey of one thousand miles beginning with only one step, the journey of any journey—in any moment—requires only the next step.  –Guru Singh

The weight loss and obesity management experts say that two big reasons that people don’t lose unhealthy weight or fail to keep it off are 1) that their expectations exceed what is physiologically feasible and 2) that people often predict that they can achieve goals more quickly and easily than is possible for the body. The result is often a demoralizing sense of failure—one that results in reverting back to old behavior and a negative prospect of real weight loss. The result is maintenance of current unhealthy weight or even an increase.


Despite the grim statistics that say most won’t lose weight, you have to know that you can. The body obeys, without fail, certain laws. The laws of body that govern weight loss are simple in concept:

* If you consume less calories and exercise more, you will lose weight.

* If you consume more calories and exercise less, you will gain weight.

* If your calorie consumption and activity level stay the same, your weight will not change.

Period. No diet plan or weight loss group will change this immutable law of the body. The good news is that you control which part of the law your body is forced to obey by changing your behavior.

But we all have to be realistic. If it has taken years or even decades to put on the unhealthy weight, it will NOT all come off in 6 months, even if you have weight loss surgery. The body simply does not work that way. You must work as hard to lose the weight as you worked to put it on. That means years of change. I know—it’s scary to think that you actually have to work to undo what took ten, fifteen years to do. But it’s the only way it will be done for good and in a healthy way that will add years to your life.


1. First change your expectations. Estimate how many years it took for you to put on the unhealthy weight. Understand that you worked hard to put the weight on. In general, 1 pound a week is solid weight loss. That’s roughly 50 pounds per year—100 pounds over two years!

2. Exercise as a part of your weight management strategy. You will not achieve healthy and long lasting weight loss without exercose. Get with your exercise physiologist, doctor or trainer to establish a healthy starting point for exercise.

3. Do not quit. The people who achieve the healthy weight goals they set and beat the odds quoted by the pundits have one thing in common—they don’t give up. If you continue healthy behaviors they become healthy habits and you keep weight off. If you revert to unhealthy behaviors, you cement unhealthy habits and your weight stays the same or gets worse.

That’s it. No sugar coating. You have to work. You have to take the first step and the one after that. One step at a time.

Here’s to Mastering Your Health!

Copyright 2011 Chicago Defender

Dave Montgomery, MD, PhD is a Cardiologist at Northwestern University and a sought after Speaker and Health Coach.

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