The Best Gift a Mentor Can Give: Words of Wisdom


I credit my mentors for their support and encouragement through the dark storms and good times in my life thus far. I, too, have served in multiple capacities as a mentor. Over time, I have always saved the best advice and words of wisdom from my mentors in my mind and heart. It would be selfish of me to keep them to myself, so here are my favorite words of wisdom from my mentors.
1. “Do your best and let go of the rest.”
All you can do is do the best that you possibly can. There is no need to strive for perfection. Realistically, perfection isn’t attainable. Too many times, we overwork ourselves while on a mission to reach the highest level of perfection — or close to it. What’s the point? Why stress? Give it your all and learn how to be OK with your efforts and let go of the rest. In the end, you are only competing with ourselves.
2. “Don’t wait for someone else to pat you on the back, do it yourself!” 
Stop looking for others to give you compliments or commend you on your achievements. The best compliment comes from you. Learning how to be proud of yourself can be one of the best feelings. You owe it to yourself to congratulate yourself.

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