Sybrina Fulton, mother of slain Miami teenager Trayvon Martin, heavily critiqued New York’s controversial Stop-and-Frisk laws in a Sunday appearance on Meet the Press.
Trayvon was 17-years-old on the night of February 26, 2012 when he was gunned down by former neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman, who said that the Black teen looked “suspicious” walking in a hoodie.
“We know that Trayvon Martin was profiled for something that night, on February 26, 2012, and he had broken no law,” said Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump, adding that it’s a “slippery slope” to profile our children simply because of the color of their skin.
As previously reported by NewsOne, U.S. District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin ruled that the New York Police Department deliberately violated the civil rights of tens of thousands of New Yorkers with its Stop-and-Frisk policy, and an independent monitor is needed to oversee major changes.
Scheindlin cited Trayvon’s death in the lengthy opinion last week that infuriated NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who vows to appeal.
New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the architect of Stop-and-Frisk — and also on President Barack Obama‘s short list for secretary of Homeland Security — insists that the policy saves lives and the city risks a resurgence in crime if it is no longer in effect.
Kelly also insists that more Black people are stopped because more Black people commit crimes:
“You have to apply a formula of sorts. ‘Do the stops comport with the description given by the victims of perpetrators of violent crime?’ And our stops certainly do,” Kelly said.
“Nobody wants to be stopped…we have engaged in a major training evolution for several years, focusing on these issues, to do these stops with courtesy, do them with respect,” he added.
Fulton, of course, feels differently, saying, “You can’t give people the authority — whether it’s civilians or police officers — the right to just stop somebody because of the color of their skin.”
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