Rihanna gets stomped on social media for calling Rachel Dolezal ‘a hero’

Rihanna is getting some fierce blow-back for opening the aperture in her face to actually describe Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who perpetrated being black to become the Spokane (Wash.) NAACP president, “a hero” in her Vanity Fair cover story.
“I think she was a bit of a hero, because she kind of flipped on society a little bit. Is it such a horrible thing that she pretended to be black? Black is a great thing, and I think she legit changed people’s perspective a bit and woke people up,” the 27-year-old entertainer told the mag.
Dolezal, lied about being black to get the coveted NAACP post and to sit on the Spokane police commission oversight board and enjoy other societal benefits until her disguised was peeled off by investigative media and her own parents. She was fired from the NAACP, the police commission board and as a professor at a local university.
Twitter exploded over Rihanna‘s quote, and people were quick to make their opinion about Rachel known.


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