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Review: Jaheim plays Casanova on Another Round

Jaheim is the ultimate R&B crooner on Another Round, serving up – as he has on his previous four discs – the usual selection of songs about romance.

Jaheim is the ultimate R&B crooner on Another Round, serving up – as he has on his previous four discs – the usual selection of songs about romance. The 31-year-old New Jersey native’s husky voice is still as impressive as it was when he came on the scene with his debut album Ghetto Love in 2001. And just as in the past, Jaheim juxtaposes that old-school sound with distinctly contemporary lyrics, singing, "Let’s go get your Lexus changed, change your last name to my last name," on the classic-sounding love song Whoa. He reaches back to the doo-wop era for Impossible, an entirely retro track (save for calling his lover "shawty"). And he introduces a little flute and snare on the unexpectedly funky Her. An acoustic guitar makes Closer a memorable slow jam. It’s a far cry from the album’s uptempo title track, which comes off like an obvious attempt at creating a club favorite. "We both on that liquid courage, we ’bout to be on the verge. We order another round," Jaheim sings. The disc’s shining jewel, In My Hands, both vocally and lyrically sounds like something from Luther Vandross’ catalog, and showcases Jaheim at his best. "I woke up on top of the world today, holding her hand, she doesn’t mind me leading the way … gypsy woman can you read my palm, is my loveline broken or is it long?" CHECK OUT THIS TRACK: Jaheim gets a little steamy with Bed Is Listening, telling his lady to stop venting about relationship problems to her mother and her friends, and instead, "Wait until I get home, tell the bed your condition, the bed is listening." AP

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