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Rapper T.I. to spend months talking to youth groups

ATLANTAûRapper T.I. has admitted having unregistered machine guns and being a felon in possession of a firearm. Now he has a chance to avoid a lengthy prison sentence by telling kids not to make the same mistakes he did. T.I., whose real name is Clifford

"I’m looking forward to turning this negative time in my life into a positive," Harris, 27, told reporters after the hearing. "I know I have a long road of redemption to travel." Dressed in a gray business suit, Harris pleaded guilty last week to possession of unregistered machine guns and silencers, unlawful possession of machine guns and possession of firearms by a convicted felon.

He will be sentenced to serve about 12 months in prison after completing the community service, although his prison time could be increased or reduced depending on his fulfillment of the terms of the deal and good behavior, officials said.

Harris is one of rap music’s most successful artists. His sixth album, T.I. vs. T.I.P., was released July 3, debuting at No. 1. He appeared in the 2007 film American Gangster, which starred Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. U.S. Attorney David Nahmias said Harris will remain "under strict bond conditions" during the next year.

He said Harris’ sentencing was deferred "to allow him to perform a unique and extensive program – at least 1,000 hours – of community service. That service will focus on using his high public visibility and his talents to tell at-risk young people about the mistakes he has made and to educate them about the dangers of violence, guns, gangs and drugs."

Nahmias said under the agreement, Harris will have to serve a year in prison and three years of supervised home detention, perform community service and pay a $100,000 fine. Failure to fulfill his obligations will net Harris a "much longer prison sentence," Nahmias said.

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