Public Notice


To patrons of Commonwealth Edison Company:

Pursuant to the amendments in Public Act 102-0662 and the August 11, 2022, order of the Illinois Commerce Commission in Docket No. 21-0850, as of December 15, 2022, Commonwealth Edison Company (“ComEd”) will be accepting applications for rebates offered under ComEd’s Renewable Energy Distributed Generation Rebate (“Rider DG Rebate”) to parties that interconnected distributed generation (“DG”) facilities after August 11, 2022. 

Under Rider DG Rebate, for eligible DG facilities that interconnected after August 11, 2022, ComEd will rebate: (i) to the owner/operator of a DG system associated with customers that are part of the residential or Under 100 kW Demand Classes (non-competitively declared customers) $300/kW for eligible DG facilities and $300/kWh for eligible energy storage devices associated with an eligible DG facility; and (ii) to the owner/operator of a DG system that is associated with commercial customers that are not part of the Under 100 kW Demand Class (competitively declared customers), or are  community supply (“CS”) Projects $250/kW for eligible DG facilities and $250/kWh for eligible energy storage devices associated with an eligible DG facility.

These rebates are available to owner/operators of DG systems that meet the prerequisites described in the Prerequisites of Service section of Rider DG Rebate, as provided in ComEd’s Schedule of Rates, and who complete an application on ComEd’s website.

A copy of the materials filed with the Commission and supporting data and documents may be inspected by any interested party at ComEd’s office located at Three Lincoln Centre in Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois.  In addition, ComEd will place an electronic version of this Public Notice on its internet website

All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from ComEd or by addressing the Chief Clerk of the Illinois Commerce Commission, 527 East Capitol Avenue, Springfield, Illinois 62706.


By:   T. R. Donnelly

President and COO

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