Pritzker Targets Trump in Pre-DNC Media Walkthrough at United Center

Almost three months ahead of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, organizers held a Spring walkthrough for local and national media members on Wednesday at the event’s United Center headquarters. 

Those in attendance were not only treated to a tour and an overview of credentialing and logistics, but they also heard Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker rip into presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

As expected, the Democratic governor touted President Joe Biden’s record as his party’s presumptive presidential nominee over his Republican challenger in signing legislation to create jobs, protect women’s reproductive rights and bolster the nation’s infrastructure. 

But Pritzker took it a step further in his four-minute speech by extolling Biden’s work and slamming Trump, utilizing a placid, matter-of-fact delivery. 

“It’s a choice between a president who wakes up every morning working to improve the lives of families across this country or guy who spends all day watching TV or flatulating in a courtroom, waiting to become the first felon elected president,” Pritzker said.

Pritzker went there, too, on the topic of each candidate’s age.

“Age isn’t what distinguishes these two candidates from one another,” he said, “Donald Trump was stupid and ignorant long before he got old.”

Did his barbs rise to the level of ferocity that rapper Kendrick Lamar displayed in his utter evisceration of Drake? No. 

But it did elicit chuckles and raised eyebrows from those in attendance. 

Pritzker’s four-minute speech at the walkthrough is likely a precursor to the one he’ll deliver at the actual DNC, which will be prominently featured. 

Mayor Brandon Johnson, another of the walkthrough’s featured speakers, did what all mayors do when their town hosts a prominent convention — tout the city they represent. 

Mayor Johnson opened with his familiar refrain about Chicago being “the greatest freaking city on the planet” and elaborated on why it was selected to host the DNC. 

“Chicago was chosen to have the starring role because of our commitment to democratic values, and we don’t shy away from our values,” Mayor Johnson said. “In fact, we fight for them while we’re fighting for reproductive rights, workers’ rights, civil rights, fighting for the rights of those who are struggling to find housing, fighting for public accommodations.”

“That’s what we do. We fight for what is right.”

There is also the matter of aesthetics. 

“We’re here to show off to the rest of the world why the city of Chicago is a beautiful place,” Johnson said.

Other speakers included 2024 DNC Chair Minyon Moore, Democratic party chair Jaime Harrison and Ald. Walter Burnett, among others.

The 2024 Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago from August 19-22.  

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