After Tuesday’s State of the Union address from President Barack Obama (pictured), the groundwork to bolster the middle class was a prominent portion of the night. Now, the White House has released a fact sheet that lays out how the President, via executive action and working with Congress, plans to help those workers seeking the in-demand jobs of the future.
The fact sheet, titled “Opportunity For All: Empowering All Americans with the Skills Needed for In-Demand Jobs,” highlights the finer points of the President’s speech relating to middle class job growth and career development.
First in the list of actions to be taken, President Obama charged Vice President Joe Biden to lead a board review of federal employment and training programs to make certain they focus on job creation beyond providing instruction. Next up, the Vice President will lead the White House policy councils along with the Secretaries of Labor, Commerce, and Education in immediate consultation with state and local officials across party lines to ensure workforce training supports the needs of employers.
Department of Labor Secretary Thomas Perez has been asked by President Obama to lead a $500 million community college training fund competition. After Vice President Biden and his team identifies the top stakeholders after their consultation, Secretary Perez will place a focus on job-driven training and the best practices among the stakeholders and oversee the selection criteria for the training fund grant.
According to the fact sheet, there will be an opportunity for a winner in every state across the country, with grants. An existing program, the Trade Adjustment Assistance and Community College and Career Training (TAA-CCCT), has supported community colleges in a range of strategies over the last three years regarding job training and workforce development.
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