Obama's Getting A Chicago High School Named After Him


President Barack Obama will have a new selective enrollment Chicago public high school named after him, his former chief of staff and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Thursday afternoon.
Barack Obama College Preparatory High School, Emanuel says, will be built on the city’s Near North Side using $60 million in tax-increment financing funds, the Chicago Sun-Times’ Fran Spielman and Lauren Fitzpatrick reported. The school will open in the fall of 2017 with a freshman class of 300 students and will ultimately serve 1,200 students, the mayor said.
The school will be located behind Skinner North Classical School on Chicago Park District property and will help meet what CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett described as a high demand for more of the highly competitive selective enrollment schools in the district, according to WBEZ. The district currently has just 10 citywide and many students who qualify for admission are turned away.
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