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Obama’s Collision with the Catholic Church is ‘Assured,’ Fr. Pavone Says

CHICAGO, November 7, 2012, ( – President Obama’s re-election sets up a looming clash with people of faith over abortion, marriage, and the implementation of government-controlled health care –a fight the pro-life movement has vowed to carry out by defying the president, reforming an increasingly unfriendly Republican Party, and building a culture of life that transcends the boundaries of politics.

A second Obama term means “the collision course of the Obama administration with the Catholic Church…is assured,” said Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life after the election.

He was outraged by the fact that a majority of his fellow Catholics voted for Obama, the most pro-abortion president in history.

“Many in Church leadership failed to connect the dots between personnel and policy,” he explained. “They prayed and preached against the HHS mandate, but then were silent about the election – and called the police to remove citizens who leafleted the Church parking lot trying to inform voters about where the candidates stood on this issue.”

Such rebuffs from faithless laity and fainthearted leaders would not deter the faithful.

“The pro-life cause will prevail in America,” Fr. Pavone said. “In the elections of 2014, we will work for a pro-life Senate majority to further blunt the ability of President Obama to damage the cause of life.”

To do so, they may have to reclaim the Republican Party, which most pro-life voters call home.

“We all need to stand guard now. They will try to kick pro-life values out of the Republican Party and blame the abortion/rape question for the loss,” Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America wrote on her Facebook page. “Please stand ready to respond.”

Soon forces inside the party proved her right. Greg Valliere of the Potomac Research Group went on Fox Business to urge Republicans to be “much more conciliatory on things like immigration and social issues,” particularly abortion.

The political movement will be met with a cultural and social effort to educate Americans about life and change hearts about the horrors of abortion.

The Obama administration has attempted to chill this speech, with Attorney General Eric Holder filing frivolous lawsuits against sidewalk counselors like Mary Susan Pine and churning out reports branding pro-life Christians potential domestic terrorists.

Fr. Pavone called on pro-lifers to “an unwavering commitment to civil disobedience.”

Kelly Clinger wrote, “I will go save babies as long as I still have the right to do so!” In what may have been a tweak at the president’s re-election slogan, she sent the message under the hashtag “Forward.”

One of the longtime leaders of the pro-life movement, Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, said his “mission continues: Confront society with the ugliness of abortion, save babies and women from the tragedy of abortion, and build the Culture of Life.”



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