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New UIC chancellor honored at West Side reception

Paula Allen-Meares, Ph.D., officially took the helm of the University of Illinois at Chicago on Jan. 15. But on Sunday, a who’s who of local Black elected officials, clergy, civic and business leaders, and supporters packed the gymnasium at the JLM

Paula Allen-Meares, Ph.D., officially took the helm of the University of Illinois at Chicago on Jan. 15. But on Sunday, a who’s who of local Black elected officials, clergy, civic and business leaders, and supporters packed the gymnasium at the JLM Community Center on the West Side for a reception in the new chancellor’s honor.

U.S. Cong. Danny Davis, D-7th, helped to organize the event and served as the emcee.

One after another, leaders extended their hand in solidarity and partnership with Allen-Meares, pledging “we got your back” and looking forward to UIC and the Black community especially, working together to chart new and different courses in the lives of Black youth.

“You’ve got some serious work to do,” Alderman Ed Smith (28th) told Allen-Meares at the reception.

He pointed to the increasing high school dropout rate and lack of money for some young people who may have dreams of going to college.

“We’re falling further behind due to lack of resources,” he said, imploring the university leader to help find money to not only get students in school but to keep them there.

As head of the esteemed university––one of three in the University of Illinois system––and its 25,000 students and 12,000 staffers, and its nearly $2 billion annual budget, Allen-Meares is one of the most standout academes in the city.

Gov. Pat Quinn did not attend the reception, but a spokesman for his office extended the state’s hand in partnership with Allen-Meares and UIC.

Corey Foster, the state’s director of community affairs, said Illinois, “is pushing the envelope and stretching a hand to our community because we know that education will be the key.

Members of the University of Illinois board of trustees that chose Allen-Meares were also at Sunday afternoon’s event. They, too, vowed to support the new leader.

“We are very proud to have you as chancellor, and we are 100 percent behind you,” Trustee Ken Schmidt said.

The board’s chair, Niranjan S. Shah, called Allen-Meares “very, very competent.”


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