Dear Chat Daddy,
I’m a 35-year-old brother currently involved with a woman who is everything I could need and want in a potential mate. Here is the problem I have with her; she is a very active woman (career, church and school) just to name a few of th
It is so bad that it has been several months since I have been able surprise her after work with dinner and a movie. I’m starting to become afraid of going any further with her. I feel as if she is not going to sacrifice her time just to be with her man. Please help me.
-How’s Next Wednesday Night About 9 p.m.?
Dear How’s Next Wednesday Night About 9 p.m.?,
It so amazing to me that most of the letters I receive are fixable misunderstandings. If you really look at this closely, you two have not mentally connected with each other yet. If your woman were really in tune with you and the proper expectations of building a healthy relationship, this would not even be a problem. Let me shed a little light on your dilemma. You both need to have a frank talk about where you both are now in your lives. Maybe you should consider keeping this a causal dating situation because sister girl may be just too busy for a committed relationship. She also seems a bit selfish about putting quality time into her relationship. Here’s to you and your woman finding some unscheduled time together so that you are able to love each other more. Be encouraged.
Dear Chat Daddy,
I’m a 27-year-old female from the South Side. I’m writing you for some advice about a past relationship with my ex-boyfriend from high school. I thought we would be together forever. We dated our entire four years of high school but broke up once we both went off to different colleges. When we split up, he started dating a girl from our neighborhood. She has never liked me and has always wanted my boyfriend. I recently ran into them at the mall and he looks so unhappy with her. From just seeing him, I know deep down inside that he misses me.Chat Daddy, should I go after him or should I just move on?
-A Bad Case Of An Ex
Dear A Bad Case Of An Ex,
Stop dwelling in the past! You are still living in some high school mess. I know just how infuriating it can be to see an ex that you really loved. What happened to you and an exboyfriend from high school has nothing to do with living in the here and now. You must accept that he has her now and if he looks unhappy that’s his problem not yours. Looks can be deceiving. In order for you to move on with your life, you should try removing all thoughts of wanting him back. Good grief this relationship ended years ago, give it a rest. Here’s to you having enough inner strength that will allow you the right energy to gracefully move on with your life without looking back on what could have been.
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