I’m an ’80s baby, and while I’m a pastor, I’d like to think I’m somewhat tuned in or hip to mainstream hip hop. Like a lot of us, I listen to the sweet beats of the songs, of the hip hop industry today, and have excused the horrible lyrics that tend to make you turn the radio down quickly if you are riding with someone who’s over 60 years old in the car. Even if you listen to the music yourself, if you are like me, you say to yourself, “This beat is hot, but I don’t care much about what there saying.” Now the ignorance has risen to a whole new level, and there’s no way I can go there. Nicki Minaj, or her label, or some graphic artist has used a picture of Malcolm X staring out the window, protecting his wife and kids from folks who had sent hundreds of death threats to his house, and on his phone. I’m officially offended. How many sleepless nights did Betty Shabazz endure? How much torment did his children endure while watching their father slain in the Audobon Ballroom? How dare you, Nicki Minaj, use this picture that depict the pain of a man in fear for his life and family, because he was standing up for African Americans.
If you want to flaunt around in barely no clothes, that’s on you. If you want to rap about absolutely nothing but foolishness, that’s on you. However, there is no way people, nor myself, should let you stand by and use Malcolm X in your “ignant” no mispelling, I meant “ignant” no-class single, about men looking at you with barely no clothes on.
How dare you, Nikki Minaj, or whatever your real name is. ‘Cause we know that’s not your real name, ’cause you aren’t real. I am the Pastor of King Solomon Baptist Church, where Malcolm X delivered the speech “Message to the Grass Roots,” and “Ballot or the Bullet in Detroit.” I just believe Malcolm would say that you are operating as a simple puppet for a slave master, and I say slave ’cause you obviously let them do just about anything to you. Do you have any respect for yourself? Apparently not. Do you love who you are? Apparently not. ‘Cause if you did, you would never let some music industry graphic artist take this picture, and attach it to your totally tasteless, toothless, ridiculous album single. This album cover got me really questioning whether I should even think about supporting music that comes out of an industry that totally disregards my heritage and continues to use demeaning an misogynistic lyrics and now Photoshopped depictions of African American heroes.
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