Judge scolds Chicago police superintendent

Chicago’s police superintendent says although he’s turned over a list of officers who have repeated complaints filed against them, he’s still worried about what it will do to the morale of his officers.

Chicago’s police superintendent says although he’s turned over a list of officers who have repeated complaints filed against them, he’s still worried about what it will do to the morale of his officers. Superintendent Jody Weis (WEES) had originally refused to hand over the list last week, prompting a federal judge to hold him in contempt. Weis relented Friday and appeared in court to explain himself Monday. U.S. District Judge Robert Gettleman called Weis’ refusal to turn the list over to attorneys involved in a lawsuit "absolutely intolerable," and he ordered the city to pay the attorneys’ costs. Weis says his concern was that the list would ultimately be made public and would have officers not doing their jobs out of fear they would end up on it.

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