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Judge praises Chris Brown’s probation progress

LOS ANGELES – A judge is praising Chris Brown’s progress on his probation for the beating of ex-girlfriend Rihanna.

LOS ANGELES – A judge is praising Chris Brown’s progress on his probation for the beating of ex-girlfriend Rihanna. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Patricia Schnegg says Brown hasn’t missed a session of domestic-violence counseling and has done 32 days of hard labor in his home state of Virginia. She also cleared the 20-year-old R&B star to travel out of the United States in May and June for concerts. The exact locations weren’t disclosed. The judge’s comments came during a Thursday hearing during which she reviewed Brown’s progress with the terms of his probation. Brown was sentenced last year to five years of probation and six months of community labor for the February 2008 attack on Rihanna. Brown spoke only once during the hearing – he thanked Schnegg for her remarks. AP 

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