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IRS has $4 million in undeliverable Ill. refunds

Illinois residents who changed addresses this year may want to check with the Internal Revenue Service — the agency might have a check waiting.

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The IRS has more than $4 million in refund checks that have been returned as undeliverable. The money is owed to more than 3,600 Illinois taxpayers.

A spokeswoman for the IRS in Illinois says the average undelivered refund is about $1,100.

Spokeswoman Sue Hales says all the IRS needs is an updated address so the checks can be reissued.

The IRS says people can avoid delivery problems by having the money directly deposited into their bank accounts.

Taxpayers can check to see if they’re owed cash by visiting the IRS website and clicking on the "Where’s My Refund" link.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press.

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