The Hyde Park Summer Fest, formerly known as “Hyde Park Brew Fest,” previously scheduled for September 11th and 12th was cancelled amid rising COVID Concerns. With the increased numbers in COVID-19 cases and the increased presence of different variants, the community based festival organizers felt it was best to cancel amid public safety.
“After thoughtful evaluation of recent COVID-19 developments and consultation with various stakeholders, we have decided to cancel the 2021 Hyde Park Summer Fest scheduled for September 11th and 12th on the Midway Plaisance. The Hyde Park Summer Fest, formerly known as the Brew Fest, is rooted in the South Side community. At the heart, this festival has always been community-focused and community-driven. It is our obligation to prioritize our community’s health and safety over any other interests. With increasing COVID-19 cases and associated risks, we do not believe it is the right choice to move forward with the festival at this time. This was an incredibly difficult decision, but we believe putting the community’s health and safety first is the most responsible decision. Let us all protect our loved ones and prepare for a successful Hyde Park Summer Fest in 2022! For more information about vaccinations visit the City of Chicago’s website.”
According to recent data, the number of COVID cases has increased over 40%. The surge in COVID-19 cases compelled the Illinois Department of Health to adopt the CDC’s recommendations to protect against the COVID-19 and Delta Variant. CDC recommends that everyone, including fully vaccinated individuals, wear a mask in public indoor setting in areas with substantial and high transmission. Black and Brown communities remain at higher risk due vaccination rates lower than the city and state’s average.
Organizers of the Hyde Park Summer Fest plan to return in 2022.
Danielle Sanders is a journalist and writer living in Chicago. Find her on social media @DanieSanders20 and @DanieSandersOfficial.