Now that Bill de Blasio has been elected the new mayor of New York City, how will he handle crime and the police department’s controversial “stop and frisk” policy? The policy, which disproportionately affects minorities, was ruled “unconstitutional” by a federal judge, though an appeals court blocked that order last week. Still, it doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg was all for stop and frisk, saying it’s “saved countless lives.” De Blasio, on the other hand, has attacked it during his campaign. Will de Blasio really get rid of discriminatory stop and frisks once he’s in office? Al Sharpton talked today with Roland Martin about what the mayor-elect should do.
“I think stop and frisk is gone,” observed Sharpton. He also said, “You get rid of the model, but you don’t get rid of the ability to keep crime down, and I think we’re going to have to work with him in the African American community to make sure we do that.”
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