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How Parents and Teachers Should Collaborate Before School Begins

Teachers are actively planning for learning, kids are headed back to school, and parents are preparing to send them.  Unfortunately, the start of this school year will look different for everyone. Many school districts are beginning their first quarters and semesters remotely, while others are still deciding what to do. For years, decades even, teachers have prepared a list of supplies scholars need for the classroom, and parents have complied with the requests to ensure their students begin the year right. This year’s supply list will look slightly different from lists of the past because of the new normal, but nonetheless, kids will need materials for learning.

While teachers and parents get ready to return to school, it would be helpful to compile a list of things they can do together before the first day to ensure a successful school year for everyone.

Teachers and Parents as Partners

If you are wondering how educators and caregivers can collaborate, check out the list below:

  1. Teachers can extend invitations for virtual meet and greets for parents. During this time, teachers can inform parents of their classroom expectations, provide them with a brief introduction of their content curriculum and engage in icebreaker games to allow everyone to get to know the human side of each other. They can also collaborate and strategize on ways to keep parents active throughout the year.
  2. Teachers can provide parents with a number where they can contact them before day one of learning. They can inform parents of what the number will be used for and give the hours of contact.
  3. Parents can provide teachers with updated contact information. Life changes from day to day, so to maintain a strong line of communication, parents must make sure teachers have all pertinent information to reach them.
  4. Parents can create a survey for teachers to complete on how they can be a consistent support for their child.
  5. Parents can review class expectations at home with their pupils to ensure they are clear on what the teacher expects.
  6. Exchange uplifting phone calls. Frequently, teachers only make phone calls about behavior, missing work, or an upcoming event. In the same breath, parents only reach out about low grades or school fees. Instead of making contact only on these occasions, how about reaching out to let each other know how much the work they are doing is appreciated. It never hurts to uplift each other on this journey called life, and with the new way home and school will run, everyone, will need encouraging.

Heart Check

Teaching and parenting are one and the same. A child’s first teachers are their parents; then, in some way, their teachers become their parents as well. Neither of these jobs is easy, but both are two of the most important for the success of the younger generation. The partnership between these parties provides an invaluable support system that benefits everyone, especially our children.

Liz Lampkin is a Lifestyle, Love, and relationship writer. You can follow her on social media @Liz_Lampkin


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