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From Don Cornelius To Lee Thompson Young: Black Men Suicide

Lee Thompson Young

From mental health issues to chronic health illnesses, there is a growing stream of black men choosing to end their own lives.


One of the most prevalent views within the African-American community is that we do not intentionally kill ourselves.  That suicide is something only white people or spiritually-weak people do.  That suicide is a cop-out, and that to even consider it is a “punk move”.  However, these apparent suicides and clinical research clearly indicate that African-Americans do commit suicide.

The Sad (And Real) Facts On Black Suicide

According to the American Association of Suicidology, in 2005, 1,992 suicides were completed by African-Americans and that suicide was the third leading cause of death among African-American youth.  The Centers for Disease Control reported that between 1999 and 2004, young African-American

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