The family of Freddie Gray, the young man who suffered a fatal spinal injury while being transported in a police van in Baltimore this year, has reached a $6.4 million settlement with the city, a source close to the family said Tuesday on condition of anonymity.
Gray’s death in April incited contentious protests and riots in a city of more than 600,000 people about a half-hour’s drive north of Washington, D.C. The tragic episode also made turned Maryland state attorney for Baltimore City Marilyn Mosby into a national figure overnight when she announced her office was charging six Baltimore police officers with murder and other felonies in connection with Gray’s death.
A proposed $6.4 million settlement in the death of Freddie Gray would “resolve all civil claims related to the city of Baltimore, the Baltimore Police Department, individual Baltimore police officers, and any other persons or institutions who might be deemed responsible for the death of Mr. Gray,” the city said in a news release Tuesday.
The city’s law department will submit the proposal to the city’s Board of Estimates on Wednesday, the city said.