More changes are in store for law enforcement as the White House announces an increase in body camera use and an overhaul involving military equipment.
A news release from the White House outlines several reforms that have been proposed.
“Recent events in Ferguson, Missouri and around the country have highlighted the importance of strong, collaborative relationships between local police and the communities they protect,” the  release stated.
The statement comes after a series of meetings President Barack Obama attended on Monday to address the ongoing mistrust between law enforcement and minorities following the death of Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson and the non-indictment of Wilson by a grand jury.
The proposal, in part, calls for the development of a uniform policy in the transfer of military-style vehicles and equipment following concern from last summer about the federal program after military vehicles and gear were utilized during protests over Brown’s fatal shooting.
The White House statement goes on to mention President Obama’s proposal of a three-year, $263 million investment package that will increase use of body-worn cameras among officers as well as the expansion of training for law enforcement agencies, the addition of more resources for police department reform, and efforts to multiply the number of cities where the U.S. Department of Justice facilitates community and local engagement.
“As part of this initiative, a new Body Worn Camera Partnership Program would provide a 50 percent match to States/localities who purchase body worn cameras and requisite storage,” according to the president’s proposal. “Overall, the proposed $75 million investment over three years could help purchase 50,000 body worn cameras. The initiative as a whole will help the federal government’s efforts to be a full partner with state and local LEAs in order to build and sustain trust between communities and those who serve and protect these communities.”
“As the nation has observed, trust between law enforcement agencies and the people they protect and serve is essential to the stability of our communities,” the statement read.