Ferguson KKK Names Exposed by “Hack-tivists” After Threatening Violence on Protesters

Soon after the Missouri Ku Klux Klan circulated fliers threatening to use “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters, the hacker activist group Anonymous has begun publishing names ofKKK members on social media.
This comes as the Missouri governor declared a state of emergency in advance of the St. Louis County grand jury decision on whether to indict or vindicate Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson after pumping unarmed black teen Michael Brown with at least six bullets — one fatally — on Aug. 9.
The KKK recently began disseminating fliers promising violence against protesters, who continue to demonstrate against racial profiling and police violence against Blacks, according to Vice News.
“You have been warned by the Ku Klux Klan,” the flier states. Anonymous responded to the threat by releasing the names of Klan members this weekend.
UPI reports that “along with posting names on their own social media accounts, the hackers have taken over the Klu Klux Klan’s Twitter account, @KuKluxKlanUSA. “Under anon control as of 16 NOV 2014 09:11:47. You should’ve expected us,” the account’s description now reads.
Before the account was taken over, KKK members claimed they were not worried about threats from Anonymous.

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