Entrepreneur Offers New Ways to Help Women Cope with Stress and Busy Schedules

Many women are experiencing stress as an essential worker, working from home and homeschooling their children during the pandemic.  It can be a burden and a stressful situation.  Rhonda Thomas, the founder of Rhon’s Way, is a licensed health coach and motivational health strategist.  Thomas has dedicated her life to educating, enlightening, and empowering the mature woman to increase her quality of life and getting to her “happy.”

Thomas’ mission is to support women who are trying to balance the second half of their lives.  Thomas knows that the mental, the physical, and the emotional all play a role in everyone’s life.   During this time of crisis, African American women are looking for ways to deal with life’s obstacles, express their thoughts and emotions.  Thomas has created and released a new collection of adult coloring books.

Coloring is typically an activity enjoyed by children. But more adults are tapping into the therapeutic value of coloring books.  These coloring books are a fun way to express your creativity, escape from the world, and color your stress away.  Each book features dynamic, fun, and engaging illustrations depicting black women in compelling scenarios with captions and journal prompts.

The seven themed topics are goals, health, self-care, relationship, positive affirmation, happiness, and a little bit of cussing.  Each page has illustrations, captions, and journal prompts. Thomas says, “These coloring books are very important to me, and I wanted to ensure that the images weren’t just random, but images that would inspire and motivate black women to rise above life’s challenges. Also, I love getting away from the phone (coloring apps/technology) and just spending quality time thinking, coloring, and creating pretty images. I find it very therapeutic.”

During the pandemic, Thomas has donated coloring books to essential workers, a women’s shelter, and a veteran hospital. “I have people and family members in the nursing field who are on the front line. It’s only right to show them compassion for their bravery to relieve some stress with my coloring books,” says Thomas.

To learn more about Rhonda Thomas and to purchase her adult coloring books, visit: www.rhonsway.com.









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