Ending Gun Violence

Ending Gun Violence

Congresswoman Robin Kelly
Congresswoman Robin Kelly U.S.Rep. For IL’s 2nd District

By Congresswoman Robin L. Kelly

As the presidential election season heats up, so does the weather in Chicago, which brings with it an unfortunately predictable uptick in gun violence. This week alone, more than 20 people were shot in a 20-hour span of violence that was as stunning as it was saddening. 

Next week, we have an opportunity to stop the gun violence epidemic gripping our community by nominating for president the person best suited to tackle this crisis. And for me, that person is Hillary Clinton.

When it comes to ending gun violence, Hillary is not a fairweather friend. She has devoted decades to promoting common sense gun reforms. She believes in strengthening background checks and closing loopholes that allow criminals access to guns. She believes in preventing dangerous people from having access to guns and in holding irresponsible gun dealers accountable when their firearms end up in the wrong hands. 

Hillary believes, as I do, that we can balance our Second Amendment rights with the right of all Americans to live free from the threat of gun violence.

I was elected to Congress on a mandate to address gun violence and in the last three years I have worked tirelessly to do so, introducing the most gun reform legislation in Congress. I’ve cried with countless mothers – Cleo, Annette, Yolan, Joy to name a very few – parents who have had to endure what no mother ever should, the burial of their children. Their pain is personal to me and it’s personal to Hillary.

I know because she and I have sat and talked with these Chicago families in conversations that echoed with the heartache of grieving mothers all across the country. Hillary is the ally I need and the advocate you want to continue the critical work of making our country safer from gun violence. 

Elections are about the future. Our future – and the future of our children and our communities – hinges on us coming to grips with the public health threat of gun violence in America. Hillary is the partner I need in this fight. And we need your support on Tuesday March 15, 2016 Democratic Primary election. 

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