Dorothy Brown (standing second from right), Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, poses with Justice Keeper Award recipients: (standing left to right) Mr. Lamon Reccord, Mr. Jedidiah Brown, Mr. William Calloway; (seated, left to right) Apostle Carl White, Dr. Timuel Black, Justice William Cousins, Judge William O'Neal, Bishop Jackson (representing Ms. Rose Joshua), Mr. Harold Davis, Mrs. Vivian Steward Tyler, Mr. Lafayette McGary (representing Pastor Michael Eaddy), and Bishop William Hudson, III, at the “Justice for All” Gala presented by the Friends of Dorothy Brown on February 19, 2016. (Honorees not pictured: Congressman Danny Davis, Pastor Ira Acree, Chief Apostle William McCoy, Bishop Claude Porter, Trustee Maureen Forté, and Ms. Charlene Carruthers).

Dorothy Brown (standing second from right), Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, poses with Justice Keeper Award recipients: (standing left to right) Mr. Lamon Reccord, Mr. Jedidiah Brown, Mr. William Calloway; (seated, left to right) Apostle Carl White, Dr. Timuel Black, Justice William Cousins, Judge William O’Neal, Bishop Jackson (representing Ms. Rose Joshua), Mr. Harold Davis, Mrs. Vivian Steward Tyler, Mr. Lafayette McGary (representing Pastor Michael Eaddy), and Bishop William Hudson, III, at the “Justice for All” Gala presented by the Friends of Dorothy Brown on February 19, 2016. (Honorees not pictured: Congressman Danny Davis, Pastor Ira Acree, Chief Apostle William McCoy, Bishop Claude Porter, Trustee Maureen Forté, and Ms. Charlene Carruthers).

Dorothy Brown, incumbent candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, hosted a “Justice For All” Gala and presented the “Justice Keeper Awards” to 18 individuals who exemplify fairness and integrity in their service to the community in various sectors. The four categories of awardees included: “Promises Made,” “Promises Kept,” “Faith Leaders,” and “Grass Roots.”
“I believe in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, ‘without justice there can be no peace,’” said Clerk Brown. “Therefore I am proud to recognize people who strive to bring harmony to our lives through their commitment to upholding what is right and just in all circumstances. To have justice keepers who willingly serve is vitally important to the quality of our lives and the substance of our society. I wanted to express my appreciation to those individuals through these awards.”
The “Promises Made” awardees are young, up-and-coming activists dedicated to safeguarding justice for young people, and the honorees are: Jedidiah Brown, William Calloway, Charlene Carruthers and Lamon Reccord.
The Honorable Dorothy Brown pictured with , a honored awardee.
The Honorable Dorothy Brown pictured with,  honoree Professor Timuel Black, Ph.D.

The “Promises Kept” awardees are veteran advocates that have established records for seeking equality and social justice through their organizational, or political or judicial roles, and the honorees are: Dr. Timuel Black, Justice William Cousins, Congressman Danny Davis, Ms. Rose Joshua and Judge William O’Neal.
The “Faith Leaders” awardees are continuing the tradition of the African-American church being the moral conscious of the community and its leaders being drum majors for justice, and the honorees are: Pastor Ira Acree, Pastor Michael Eaddy, Bishop William Hudson, III, Chief Apostle William McCoy, Bishop Claude Porter and Apostle Carl White.
The “Grass Roots” Justice Keepers use their public platforms to regularly engage and educate on justice-related issues, and the honorees are: Mr. Harold Davis, Trustee Maureen Forté and Mrs. Vivian Stewart Tyler.
“In the words of Dr. King, ‘now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children,’” Clerk Brown said. “The justice keepers in our communities are tirelessly working to fulfill that ideal. We should all be thankful for them.”

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