Dog fighting gets stiffer penalties

Stiffer penalties are on the way for those involved in dog fighting, especially if children are brought to witness the crime.

Stiffer penalties are on the way for those involved in dog fighting, especially if children are brought to witness the crime. State Rep. Karen Yarbrough, D-7th, recently sponsored and passed legislation that hikes the penalty for an adult who attends a dog fight and for those who bring a child aged 13 or younger to a dog fight. The adults will be charged with a Class 3 felony for the first violation and can face up to five years in prison. Subsequent violations will be charged as a Class 2 felony. “There is something seriously wrong with anyone who would attend an event where dogs are tortured into fighting each other to the death. For an adult to bring a minor to a dog fight, I can’t even begin to fathom their lack of humanity,” said Yarbrough. The measure also cracks down on organizers and participants of dog fights. Anyone who provides a location for a dog fight that is within 1,000 feet of a school, public park, playground, child care center, day care home, group day care home or facility that only serves minors will face a Class 3 felony. If an adult attaches a dog to a machine for the purposes of dog fighting, they will face a Class 4 felony and be fined up to $50,000. “Dog fighting has always been an underground activity, but in recent years the people involved have become more brazen. What we need to do is drive these fights out of our communities and severely punish anyone who is caught organizing or even watching,” she said.

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