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Desmond Tutu: Uganda's Anti-Gay Law Has Nazi Parallels

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South African peace icon Desmond Tutu warned on Sunday that Uganda’s controversial anti-gay law recalled sinister attempts by the Nazi and apartheid regimes to “legislate against love”.
The Anglican cleric said he was “very disheartened” to learn that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni intended to sign a bill that will see homosexuals jailed for life, urging him instead to clamp down on rape, child abuse and the sex trade.
“In South Africa, apartheid police used to rush into bedrooms where whites were suspected of making love to blacks,” Tutu said in a statement. “It was demeaning to those whose ‘crime’ was to love each other, it was demeaning to the policemen – and it was a blot on our entire society.”
Tutu dismissed the arguments of Museveni’s science advisors who concluded that homosexuality was a learned, rather than genetically-determined behaviour — and therefore could be “unlearned”.
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