Dear Chat Daddy, My girl is great but her home is filthy

Dear Chat Daddy, My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two-and-a-half years. Here’s the problem: she keeps a nasty house.

Dear Chat Daddy,

My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two-and-a-half years. Here’s the problem: she keeps a nasty house. At first I thought that I could handle it and just work with her on this issue, but every time I go over there, I am literally afraid to spend the night because of the number of dirty dishes and piles of clothing all over the house. Of course there are roaches crawling around. Chat Daddy, I love her, but I just don’t know anymore and it’s really becoming a turnoff. Please help.

-Girl, I Love You But Your Crib Is Nasty

Dear Girl, I Love You But Your Crib Is Nasty,

Oh my, this is truly a hot mess–literally. Brother, I must admit that I am a bit confused from your letter. Did her nasty household just happen overnight? I’m sure she kept an unclean household when you first began dating. Often people are so into lust that they pay very little attention to the condition of people’s home. This type of issue just does not happen in the blink of an eye. For various reasons you may have not been as cognizant of the problem of her poor housekeeping before now. I would suggest that you have a serious talk with her and let her know that while you love and cherish her to the fullest, you also would like her to live a healthy lifestyle and it starts within her home. Be honest with her without being condescending, and simply tell her straight up the importance of maintaining a clean household. You can even take the time to clean the house with her, and the two of you schedule a weekly “mean clean” day and make it a fun project perhaps. You may also consider hiring a cleaning professional to assist with household upkeep when there just isn’t enough time in your day and schedule to clean the house. But if your words fall on deaf ears, then my brother, it may be time to take a step back and reevaluate the relationship. Then you have to seriously ask yourself if you could actually live with this for the rest of your life as a couple. Be encouraged.

Art “Chat Daddy” Sims can be reached at


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