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Colombia Sorority Criticized For Offensive Olympics Party


The Kappa Alpha Theta sorority at Columbia University apparently doesn’t read the news about what happens when Greek students dress up in racial stereotypes and post photos on social media.
Photos posted to Facebook, Instagram and other social media outlets from members of Kappa Alpha Theta show students at a “Beer Olympics” party dressing in racial stereotypes meant to represent Mexico, Japan, the Netherlands, Ireland, Jamaica and other countries.
The photos came from an Olympic-themed mixer with Sigma Phi Epsilon held on Saturday, according to the Columbia Lion.
The photos of the team intended to represent Mexico have particularly drawn scorn: the women wore t-shirts with an altered Mexican flag and the words “Down to Fiesta” written over the chest, and several students donned large fake mustaches and sombreros and carried maracas. One woman held up a bottle of tequila.
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