Chicago May Become The Next City To Ban Puppy Mill Pet Sales

Carley Garantziotis | 500px
Carley Garantziotis | 500x

Another major U.S. city could soon join an ever-growing list of about 40 in North America that have banned pet stores from selling pets sourced from for-profit breeders — or “puppy mills,” as they are often described.
Chicago would only allow the sale of dogs and cats from city or county shelters, humane societies or animal rescue facilities under a proposal introduced by City Clerk Susana Mendoza at Wednesday’s City Council meeting, the Chicago Tribune reports.
The proposal aims to increase pet adoptions and decrease the number of euthanized strays, Mendoza said Wednesday, in addition to improving the living conditions of all dogs sold to Chicago residents — particularly when compared to the typically deplorable conditions in so-called puppy mills.
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