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Caregivers Honored at Inaugural ‘Dear Me Care Circle’

L-R Dear Me Care Circle founder Wynona Redmond with Leader of Heart Award recipient Bobbie Steele, former Cook County Board President.

L-R Dear Me Care Circle founder Wynona Redmond with Leader of Heart Award recipient Bobbie Steele, former Cook County Board President (Photo courtesy of Wyn-Win Communications).

The launch of a new group for caregivers was held on April 27 at the Hyatt Chicago Medical/University District. 

A full room of caregivers and the family and friends who love them attended the Dear Me Care Circle Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch. 

Themed “Love Bears All Things,” the event honored family caregivers of mothers currently here and those who have passed.

A highlight of the brunch was the presentation of awards to the many caregivers.

Special Caregiver Honorees: Jackie Jackson, Rainbow PUSH Coalition; Barbara Deer, Executive Director of Juneteenth Illinois; Senator Kimberly Lightford; Representative Camille Lilly; and Karen Freeman-Wilson, CEO of the Chicago Urban League. The “Surprise Caregiver of the Year” award and the “Heart of Caring” awards were presented to several recipients.

Producer Darryl Dennard moderated a panel of professionals who are/have been caregivers for loved ones. 

Wynona Redmond, Hermene Hartman of N’DIGO, Cheryl Grace of Powerful Penny, Sandi Lynn of Sandi Lynn & Associates and Rochelle Simpson participated on the panel. All have been caregivers, and they shared tips, lessons learned, and stories about their experiences caring for a loved one.

(L-R) Moderator Darryl Dennard listens attentively to DMCC panelists: Rochelle Simpson; Cheryl Grace, Powerful Penny; Hermene Hartman, N’DIGO; and Sandi Lynn, Sandi Lynn & Associates.

Many caregivers have an unwavering dedication to their jobs and families that already stretches the bounds of what’s possible to achieve within 24 hours. On top of everything, they take on the critical role of caregiver, creating little time to prioritize their own well-being.

DMCC was founded by executive Wynona Redmond, a caregiver to her mom, Lucy.

She said tearfully, “This is the first Mother’s Day my mom won’t be here. But I feel her in the room.” Heads shook in agreement; hands rose high, reaching for the ceiling in praise. Her mom’s passing served as the impetus that lit a fire under her feet and led her to create a community of support, the Dear Me Care Circle. Those facing the responsibility of caregiving for a sick loved one are often professionals already engaged in their careers and communities, as well as their families.

This new initiative will provide resources, guidance, support and a compassionate community to ensure these extraordinary individuals can care for their loved ones without sacrificing their well-being. 

Other activities include a caregiver webinar series, ongoing panel discussions, networking events, “Dear Mom” podcasts and the first “I’ll Always Love My Mama” caregiver webinar on Saturday, May 4 at 10 a.m. Host Wynona Redmond talks with her guest, Dr. Portia Lockett. 

Register for the webinar at For more information, visit

Here are more photos from the Dear Me Care Circle Pre-Mother’s Day Brunch (Photos courtesy of Wyn-Win Communications):


Charlotte Myers was presented the Caregiver of the Year Award.


L-R Dear Me Care Circle founder Wynona Redmond presents the “Special Heart Award” to Dr. Mildred Harris, God First Ministries


Edward Longoria recipient of the Caregiver Heart Award


Melissa Coleman was presented the caregiver Champion Award.


L-R Caregiver award recipients Dr. Rene Allison and Father Larry Dowling, pastor, St. Agatha Church.


L-R Barbara Deer, executive director, Juneteenth Illinois accepting her caregiver award from the DMCC founder Wynona Redmond.


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