‘Black Health IS’ Film Spotlights Difficult Conversations on Health in Black Communities

The organizers of The ISH Project are set to debut their first documentary, Black Health IS 7-9 p.m. on July 24 with a premiere screening at the Ann Arbor Michigan Theater. Tickets are $9 and are available for purchase at blackhealthis.com.


The ISH Project, standing for The Infinite Steps to Health Project, is a nonprofit community wellness group that seeks to expand the meaning of health by using the touchpoints of volunteering, wellness workshops, and media to achieve this goal. The ISH Project aims to improve not only the quality of life of its participants but also that of the greater community by educating its members on various ways they can get their communities active outside of the traditional physical activity people may know.


“We want to plant the seed in people’s minds that health is more of an umbrella term with many subcategories under it” says ISH Project Founder, Edward Hill II. “Mental and emotional health are both elements we often forget to include when we say we want to improve our health. Our organization offers unique activities to exercise every aspect of our overall health”.


The Black Heath IS documentary takes the initiative of the ISH Project a step further by bringing the conversation of health and applying it directly to the Black community in the form of a methodical storyline and using metaphorical art to educate the audience on why Black health is so critically important. The film highlights real testimonies from individuals touching on the topics of mental and sexual health in the African American community.


“The COVID-19 pandemic has been very telling of the relationship between the African American community and their health” Hill II states. “The Black community has had higher mortality rates from COVID-19 compared to any other race, many having pre-existing conditions they didn’t even know were present. With the loss of so much life, it has taken a major toll on the emotional and mental well-being of Black community members. Most have yet to cope with the trauma because they simply don’t know how. This is what Black Health IS plans to address”.


The ISH Project team plans to create more engaging pieces of archival content that will have an indefinite digital footprint to allow congestible information regarding Black health to be accessed by the community. Black Health IS will screen on July 24th, 2021 at the Ann Arbor Michigan Theater at 7:00pm-9:00pm which will include a Q&A session with the founder and director of the film. Proceeds will go towards future ISH Project activities. Tickets can be purchased at blackhealthis.com (this will lead you to an Eventbrite link).


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