Black America Cooks-Radish and Scallion Fresh Market Meal

By Donna Pierce

Donna Battle Pierce 
As a regular of at least three weekly neighborhood farmers markets, not only am I thrilled they’re finally all opened, I am once again reminded of the wonder of spring, grateful for each fresh vegetable and the recipe exchange my open-air markets inspire.

Although we can find green onions and radishes year round in the supermarket produce section, there is nothing like the tender fresh flavor of freshly harvested immature onions, pulled from the earth before allowed to mature. Look for very tiny bulbs and straight, dark green stems  with no curves as signs of peak freshness.

And while we’re on the subject of early picks for your farmers market tote bag, force yourself to add a tiny bunch of radishes should you not be a regular customer of this colorful fast-growing member of the brassica family (along with arugula, turnips and broccoli). They’re at their best right now, the only time I go out of my way to seek them out for their subtle (not spicy) crispy bite.

This week, when I returned with radishes and the skinny spring green onions my grandmother called scallions and my mother called spring onions, I decided to blend yesterday’s rice and delicious leftover broiled chicken with fresh bounty from these early “risers” beginning to spring up during the 2015 growing season. Here’s my version, but feel free to use the basics of this recipe and fill in the main additions based on the leftovers from your fridge.

Radish and Scallion Fresh Market Meal

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon-style mustard
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground pepper
1/3 cup olive oil
1 head Romaine lettuce, trimmed, torn into bite-size pieces or your choice of tender green lettuce leaves, about 6 cups
1 bunch, small radishes, trimmed, thinly sliced
3 to 4 small green onions, white and green, thinly sliced, about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup
1 cup shredded leftover broiled chicken, other cooked protein, optional
1 to 2 cups leftover cooked rice or pasta, optional
1 can garbanzo or black beans, drained, optional
Whisk together the vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper in a small cup or bowl; gently whisk in oil to make a vinaigrette; set aside.
Place the lettuce in a large bowl. Top with radish slices, green onions, optional chicken, optional rice, optional beans. Drizzle with reserved vinaigrette. Makes 4 to 6 servings.

Donna Battle Pierce, former Assistant Food Editor and Test Kitchen Director for the Chicago Tribune is currently working on a book about Freda DeKnight. Web Find more recipes and information: or contact Donna by email:


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