Even though legendary King of Comedy, Bernie Mac, passed away thirteen years ago, he’s back with a daily motivational book from the other side. “I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me,” is a daily motivational in the voice of the late Bernie Mac. It’s a humorous but poignant page-a-day prescription for a better life and career. Bernie Mac’s Widow Rhonda R. McCullough, President and CEO of The Bernie Mac Foundation, teamed up with Walker-Bryce Creative to write a page-a-day self-help book full of Bernie’s own words of wisdom and good old solid advice, all delivered in his unmistakable voice with no sugar-coating, period. He’s tellin’ it like it T-I-Iz, just like he did in his standup and his life.
Tammy Gibson: What inspired you to write a daily motivational book in the voice of your late husband, Bernie Mac?
Rhonda McCullough: One of my goals is always to keep Bernard’s legacy alive, and when people think of him, they think about this Uncle Bernie figure that handed out some solid advice through his show. I’ve heard some young adults say that Bernie “raised them” because they spent their childhood watching him on TV. Well, he was like that in real life, too. So, what better way to keep his legacy strong than to give his advice to a whole new generation?
TG: Do you feel with the climate we are in right now, the pandemic, and social injustice, we all could use a bit of funny and positive inspiration from the words of Bernie Mac right now?
RM: Yes. Laughter is the best medicine, and sometimes you can stomach some harsh realities when they’re delivered with humor. Bernard did that so well. He could look at you sideways, say something that maybe stings a little, but it makes you laugh. Then you think about it later and think, “You know, he was right.”
TG: Behind a successful man is a strong woman that supports him. You supported Bernie Mac while he pursued his dreams, and in turn, he gave you the world. What advice would you give to couples who struggle with one supporting and the other one pursuing their dreams?
RM: The first thing is, you’re a team. When one of you is winning, you’re both winning. You’re a family, and you’re a team. I always knew that I’d have my time, too. You just have to go through it to get to it. You also have to remember that it’s something bigger than you at work. It’s God’s plan.
TG: You and Bernie Mac were considered one of the most enduring marriages and a prime example of black love in Hollywood. What made your marriage to Bernie Mac successful?
RM: Respect, laughter, hard work, and you know sparks, too. We had that love, but we also had an understanding that we were going to be there for one another, that we’d listen to one another, and that we could get mad sometimes, but we’d work it out. When you approach anything from a place of love and faith, it’s going to work out.
TG: Bernie Mac was a proud Chicagoan. Why was it important for him to always come back to Chicago?
RM: Oh, Chicago was his city. He loved the food, the people, and the music. He hated being in Los Angeles, where all the food tasted like eating grass. He wanted Harold’s Chicken and Pepe’s. He really loved my cooking, too. Bernie just loved the vibe in Chicago. It’s where he had his roots.
TG: I know there are many, but is there one thing Bernie Mac said that gave you that extra motivation to get you through challenging times and even today?
RM: Oh, there were so many things he said, we started calling them “Macisms.” But I know he’d say, “You can’t change the future by worryin’ about it. You just gotta keep moving.” That’s something that I try to remember when I get caught up in my thoughts. It’s better to pray than to worry, and then you got to follow the prayer with action.
TG: What do you want readers to take from Bernie Mac’s daily motivational book?
RM: I want readers to be inspired to take control of their lives and use Bernard’s words and advice to help them become their best selves. And if they laugh along the way, well, that’s what Bernard would have wanted.
“I Don’t Care if You Like Me, I Like Me” is available for pre-order at Barnes and Noble, and Amazon, . The book is scheduled for release on May 24, 2022. To learn more about The Bernie Mac Foundation, go to https://berniemacfoundation.org.
Tammy Gibson is a black history traveler and author. Find her on social media @SankofaTravelHr and @sankofatravelher