Assata Moore Finds New Ways to Educate Black Children.

Assata Moore a Chicago South Side native, educator, and author advocates for educating young Black children, using math as the driving force. She also teaches adults how to achieve financial freedom. Assata Moore’s motto is “Math is the Blackest thing ever.”  She says, “I’ve seen the genius in young people. If you go back and study the origin of mathematics. You will land 40,000 years ago in the Lombo Mountains of Africa, where markings of the Lunar calendar were first discovered. It shows that Black woman was the first to do mathematics.”

Assata Moore uses a unique approach to enhance mathematical learning capability. Through her “Black Math Genius” course, Assata uses a formula easy and familiar to the Black children that she is working with. “By identifying and working towards their strength while teaching from a historical standpoint, the first we do is teach them the truth. We show them people that contributed to math and science that look like them. Then we show them something interesting. We show them kids who like sports, video games, music, and social media. Instead of saying if these kids knew their ABCs like they know rap, we teach them the way they like to learn. Teach them through a rap. Use their strength and intelligence, to bring out whatever genius that they’re holding in.”

In 2009, under the Obama Administration. Moore’s received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. In 2015, under the direction of Michelle Obama, Assata Moore revisited the White House for a college conference initiative. Besides educating children, Assata Moore also encourages and teaches adults to invest. Her two books, “Get Your Sh*t Together” and “The Wealth Formula – Secrets to Financial Freedom” offers tips on how to save and create multiple streams of income.

“There are small steps you can take to add value to becoming successful financially and mentally,” says Moore. “Get Your Sh*t Together,” speaks first of your mindset. The second book speaks to knowing and understanding your financial goals. “The Wealth Formula – Secrets to Financial Freedom,” is a follow-up to my first book.”

“We all go through different financial phases in our life,” Assata explains. You have the single-phase when you are making certain financial decisions. Then there is the married phase and the married with children phase. When you have a spouse and children, your financial decisions begin to look a little different. What is your saving formula now that you are married? At what point do you need a will? Or a living trust? So, the book gives you different formulas for saving depending on what phase you are in life.”

Moore’s knowledge and wealth of experience have benefited her students.  They have testified to the efficacy of her methods and how they benefit from them.

For more information on Assata Moore, visit

Ali Bouldin is a freelance writer within the Black and Hip-Hop culture with featured articles in multiple publications. Follow his Instagram @Choose_Wisey2.

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