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Andrew Caldwell lied about gay sex with Kordell Stewart, but why?

Kordell Stewart, former NFL star quarterback and ex-spouse of Porsha Williams.

Kordell Stewart, former NFL star quarterback and ex-spouse of Porsha Williams.

A Kordell Stewart lawsuit could be in the makings because Andrew “delivert” Caldwell now admits that he lied about having a homosexual encounter with the ex-Pittsburgh Steeler quarterback.
Caldwell, who became famous when a video of him saying that he was delivered from homosexuality during a church convention went viral, previous said that he did have sex with Stewart while he was married to Porsha.
“It was only a one time thing. We was at a bar. We was at a restaurant and I was like ‘Omg, that’s Kordell […] Mmm…I like football players.” And the rest is history!”
Of course, Kordell Stewart categorically denied the accusations and, when there was talk of a lawsuit, Caldwell moonwalked back his statements.
Caldwell offered his mea culpa via the platform provided by The Shade Room:

“I want to personally apologize to Kordell Stewart for mentioning his name and making false accusations. […] I don’t [know Kordell Stewart]. From the bottom of my heart I do apologize and I’m sincerely sorry and I will not be going on any interviews and will not be mentioning your name at all. I ask you to forgive me and I apologize for anything and everything that I’ve done to you.”

So was it Porsha Stewart who put Caldwell up to spewing scandalous and character-assassinating lies Kordell Stewart?
Find out why Caldwell made up the story in the first place. It’s real messy.
According to Baller Alert, this is what went down:

Caldwell, who appears to be gullible to begin with, got scammed into think he was going to be on a reality show with NeNe Leakes and Porsha Williams. A shady character then lied and told him that Porsha would pay him $600,000 for the Kordell Stewart lie.

Baller Alert says:

Baller Alert learns exclusively that Andrew Caldwell was cast to appear in a reality show pilot titled “The Gospel Truth” and had left St. Louis to begin filming in Atlanta. Caldwell blames the producer of the show, Keyun Moon, for manipulating and misleading him into lying on Kordell.
Caldwell alleges that Moon, on several occasions, told him that Porsha Willliams, Nene Leakes and others were set to be part of the show. He also alleges that Moon told him that he worked for Bravo.
According to Caldwell, he was told by Keyun Moon that he needed a juicy storyline and if he said he had sex with Kordell, it would make for great television. In exchange for saying he slept with Kordell, he was told by Moon that Porsha would pay him $600,000. But wait, it gets messier.
A source claims there were several times where Moon appeared to be “shifty” but Caldwell was naive. […]
Leading up to the infamous interview, Moon tells Caldwell that he needs “Drama” for the show and says he needs to be linked to a celebrity.

So let’s recap, shall we? Basically Caldwell channeled his inner Kenya Moore in that he was manufacturing a dramatic storyline in order to justify his appearance on a reality show. Sources close to the situation say that Moon came up with Kordell’s name and told Caldwell that if he did not say he slept with Kordell, he would proclaim that Caldwell perform oral sex on him.
Blackmailed, Caldwell went along with the plan.
Caldwell thought that he would have a $600,000 payday, courtesy of Porsha Williams for perpetrating the lie, but that turned out to be part of the scam as well.

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