Protests spread around the country Wednesday night after a grand jury decided not to bring charges in the July death of Eric Garner, a black Staten Island man who died when a police officer placed him in a chokehold. The non-indictment came just over a week after a grand jury declined to indict a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, for the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, amid an impassioned national discussion on race in the U.S.
Adding to that debate, Twitter users have begun sharing stories of racial discrimination using the hashtag #AliveWhileBlack. Many have described instances of unfair treatment at the hands of police officers, who they say have stopped and questioned them for merely shopping in a store or driving a nice car.
The tweets present an appallingly sharp image of everyday indignities faced by black Americans. While another hashtag that has exploded on Twitter since news of the grand jury’s decision, #CrimingWhileWhite, reveals the privilege white Americans sometimes enjoy in their interactions with law enforcement, #AliveWhileBlack provides anecdotal evidence of the broken relationship between police officers and black Americans.
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